See the first man to try having a head transplantation surgery

Is it possible to transplant a head of one person to another? 
Well, this September they will attempt to do the first surgery of this kind.

The head donor's name is Valery Spiridonov and he is just 31. The man cannot walk due to the Werdnig-Hoffman disease, which deteriorates the muscles of his body. The guy is willing to take all the risks to avoid death and get a new body able to move and have the normal life.

The surgeon behind the possible transplant of the head is Dr. Sergio Canavero. People call him Doctor Frankenstein. The operation is to take place in September of this year.  

Here is what the patient says:
“I do understand the risks of such surgery. They are multiple.” 

And the doctor adds: “We can’t even imagine what exactly can go wrong. I’m afraid I wouldn’t live long enough to see it happen to someone else.”

They also say that a team of doctors from China is ready to try and perform this complicated operation of the head transplantation. What the doctors struggle with the most, is the ethical aspect of the whole business. 

They have a hard time obtaining the permission to do so. The consequences of the failure are grave for the patient. But who knows what would happen, if they succeed?!


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