Real Estate Promo

We have two Scheme of lands 0f Land. Scheme A and B Scheme A : This is for Land with building approved plan; what this means is that you won’t need to pay any one your building plan, survey or pay for approval to any Government . Features: * We have a fully functional community life in the estate . Meaning people are already living in this Scheme A. * W e have 22 Buildings already occupied with the owner fully resident ther e with ma ny more under different sta ges of construction * Access Road with Drainage * Active Power Lines ( Public Power Supply available) * Fully F unctional Estate Water supply system fully in Place * A Occupant already has a shop in the estate. Scheme B : This is for Land without building approved plan; what this means is that you w ill have to pay for your building designs, surveys and approvals from Government at your o wn costs.