One Year After, Where is the change?


I am yet to see any positive change. About a year ago I voted for a man I believe could do the job.

I am just wandering when we shall begin to see the real changes we asked for, or rather, the change we were promised.

Though the anti-corruption war is on, victory is still far off, as we are yet to the big fishes in jail.

Meanwhile, we have see a lot in terms of price increases everywhere;
Electricity bills have increased without power supply
Petrol bill has also gone up. 
Food prices and transportation cost have all gone up.

The average Nigerian is now at least 30% poorer now than we were as at January 1, 2016.

That simply means inflation has taken out over 30% of our purchasing power.

Where is the change?

Is Nigeria going the way of NATIONAL CAKE again? 

Is this part of the promised CHANGE?   
Before I forget they also own about 70% Nigeria oil wealth.

Herdsmen invading Villages killing, maiming, raping and even having the guts to video the the gory scenes.

This is definitely not the change I voted for.

We want real change sir. fulfill your promises. We still trust and hope for a better tomorrow but that will definitely start from the actions you take today.

As we celebrate let not forget to pray for those who have lost families and friends due to the brutal activities of kidnappers, Fulani herdsmen, armed robbers, road accidents etc.

Happy Anniversary Nigerians
Happy democracy Day


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